Station Road, Bransford, Worcestershire WR6 5JH Tel. 01886 833399 Fax. 01886 833106 home  The Bear and Ragged Staff.


From 12.00pm


 Starter £7.50, Main individually priced, Sides: £3.50, Dessert £6.50, Cheese £8.00.
All dishes made here, not bought in! (except *)

Toasted breads*, Olives, butter, aged sweet balsamic and oil v G,Mi,Sd

Today's Soup with cheese on toast v Ce,G,Mi

Smokey BBQ chicken wings* with BBQ dipping sauce Ce,E,G,Mi,Mu,Sd

Breaded Garlic mushrooms*, garlic mayonnaise v Cr,E,G,Mi,Mu,Sd

Grilled goat's cheese, poached pear, toasted walnut salad, Balsamic dressing v Mi,P,Sd

Breaded whitebait*, tartare sauce, lemon wedge Cr,E,F,G,Mi,Mu,Sd

Sautéed King Prawns, peppers and onion, garlic and coriander butter. Bread. Cr,G,Mi,Sd


Char-grilled 28 Day Matured Sirloin steak with dressed salad and chips Cr,E,F,G,MI 25.00

Add: Bowl of onion rings Cr,E,F,G,Mi 3.50,       Peppercorn sauce Ce,Mi,Mu 3.50

Spicy, Sticky chilli beef, egg fried rice and prawn crackers 16.00  Cr,E,F,G,So,Sd  

Slow roast Ham with local farm eggs, chips and dressed salad 15.50 Cr,E,F,G,Mu,Sd

Double Cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato, onion, dill pickle mayonnaise in a seeded bun.  
Chips and dressed salad 16.00 Cr,E,G,Mi,Mu,Sd,Se

Chicken Schnitzel salad, dressed in Buffalo mayonnaise served with
toasted ciabatta drizzled with olive oil 16.00 Ce,Cr,E,F,G,Mi,Mu

Ham and Cheese Ploughman's with coleslaw, pickled egg, piccalilli and bread 15.00 E,G,Mi,Mu,P,Sd,Se


Sea Bass fillet, sautéed potatoes and chorizo, fine beans and spinach 18.50 F,G,Sd

Beer batter Fish & chips with crushed peas and lemon 17.50 agf  Cr,E,F,G,Sd

Whole tail Scampi* & chips with crushed peas and lemon 15.50  Cr,E,F,G,Sd

Please let us know if you would like tartare sauce when you place your order


Sautéed Potato Gnocchi, spinach, roast peppers, cherry tomatoes, tender stem broccoli,
Feta and Pesto 16.00 v G,Mi,P,Sd

Halloumi burger with lettuce, tomato, onion and gherkin in a brioche bun, chips
and dressed salad v Cr,E,F,G,Mi,Mu,Sd 16.00


Chips v Cr,E,F,G    Bowl of Onion Rings v Cr,E,F,G
Dressed salad v Mu,Sd    Garden peas v
Braised Red Cabbage v Sd


Dessert of the Day

Sticky toffee pudding, butterscotch sauce, rum and raisin ice cream v E,G,Mi,Sd

Dark chocolate with white chocolate chip brownie, chocolate ice cream
and chocolate sauce v E,G,Mi,Sd

Cheeses, biscuits, chutney, apple and grapes v E,G,Mi,Sd

Home-made ice cream in a brandy snap basket v E,G,Mi,Sd
Flavours: Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee, Rum & Raisin, Honeycomb